About Us

The museum is managed and supervised by the non-profit “Museum Association Schloss Rosenau, Austrian Masonic Museum”. They work in close cooperation with the Grand Lodge of Austria, which provides the chairman and another board member on the five-member association board.

All board members and the historic team work on a voluntary basis. Representatives of the region are also represented with us, since the association has always understood itself as part of the tourist and cultural activities in the area. The Lower Austrian state government and the city of Zwettl also attend the meetings of the association's board as observers. 

The museum was again awarded the Museum Seal of Approval by ICOM (International Council of Museums) and the Austrian Museum Association in 2019.

We are a member of the AMMLA, Association of Masonic Museums, Libraries and Archives in Europe.

Ex-Governor Dr. Erwin Pröll (with Chairman Mag. Max Palla) on the occasion of his visit  2019:

„Aus dieser Geschichte kann auch die Zukunft lernen! Großen Respekt zur Entwicklung des Freimaurermuseums. Eine riesige Freude im Blick zurück und der Hoffnung auf vorne.“